Complete Notice of Loss Form
All causes of loss must be due to a naturally occurring event with the exception of a loss in revenue covered in the Revenue Protection Plan (RP). Crop Insurance Policy requires prompt notification in the event of a loss:
- Crop Damage (hail, wind, etc) – 72 hours notice
- Pre-Harvest (before combine in field) – 15 days notice
- Post-Harvest (harvest complete by crop by farm) – 15 days notice
- No Later than End of Insurance Period
- October 15th for Limas and Snaps
- December 10th for Corn, Soybeans, and Sorghum
Should you decide not to harvest your crop, please call today to report your notice of loss. A field inspection is required before the crop is destroyed. Representative strips may have to be left in the field.
If you have unit division, please keep your production records separate. Be sure to mark your tickets by farm name and/or FSN. Split tickets are not acceptable. If two farm units are put on the same truck, this will be considered commingled production. Adjusters will need all of your weight tickets per crop.
If you are storing your grain on the farm, using grain monitors or using on-farm scales, please let us know today. As agents we cannot give you approval to mark your bins, or use the grain monitors for claim purposes. You will need to discuss this with the adjuster.
Continuous planting patterns for irrigated and non-irrigated will result in one unit. For center pivot irrigation systems, the pattern can be the same for irrigated and non-irrigated, but there must be a physical visible break and the production records must be kept separate. For irrigated acres you must have ample water supply at the time of planting and carry out a full irrigation practice. Call us for a copy of the guidelines or review guidelines in the Crop Insurance Handbook.
Due to the higher guarantee per bushel prices, you may have claims over the $200,000 level. RMA not RCIS mandates an automatic claim review when the indemnity amount is $200,000 or over. The review will include an audit of the previous three years of production and planted acres. If your indemnity payment is $500,000 or higher an official RMA personnel review may be required. To prevent delay in your review process and delay in your indemnity payment, please begin gathering the following information now.
Farm Records Needed for a $200,000 (or over) Claim Review
- FSA 578 – Report of Acreage (3 years plus the current) or farm planting records
- Sold Production Summary Sheets (3 years plus the current)
- or Daily Feeding Records for fed production
- or Appraisal Worksheets for appraised crops
- Weight Tickets or Daily Load Records (3 years plus the current)
- for unit verification
*Check with us as we may have some of the required documents.

Fill Out Notice of Loss Form
As a farmer, you know better than anyone that experience counts. King Crop Insurance has been servicing farmers on Delmarva for over 55 years. We understand the major risks you face and we can help minimize your financial risk by providing comprehensive crop insurance services. Our focus is and always has been exclusively the farming community.
Notice of Loss Form